(no subject)

Apr 01, 2008 11:31

ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population. Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)" />

Not surprising...I'm ISFJ on Myers-Briggs as well. That test calls it "Protector Guardian".

Exactly one month of school until finals!

So, I just finished watching a video on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Bio. Now I know that there are three things certain in life: death, taxes, and that Trent Lott will always be a douche. Anyway, it really made me think about the carbon footprint I'm leaving. I'm actually pretty ecologically friendly when I'm at school. I don't drive when I'm here, which really helps, and we hardly ever use the heat in here. I guess I probably use a lot of electricity, what with laptops using lots of electricity and all, but during the day, we usually leave the lights off and just use natural light from our windows to read (speaking of which, it's a GORGEOUS day here). But I've made a plan as to how I can continue being environmentally friendly after college, when I actually have to go buy my own food, and schlep to work. Hold me to this, guys. If you see me five years after college, and I'm driving around a humvee and living in a 4,000 sq. ft. house, call me on it.

  • live in a walking-and-biking-friendly place, whether it's Corvallis, where it seems like everything you need is within three or four miles of each other, or whether it's a city like Portland or Seattle or Vancouver, BC, where I can take public transportation and possibly not even have a car.
  • If I do get a car, get either a smart car or a prius, and drive only when necessary.
  • buy or rent a small house, with a wood stove, so that I use as little natural gas as possible to heat it.
  • use energy-efficient light bulbs, and turn off lights whenever I don't absolutely need them on.
  • maybe, depending on where i live, put a solar panel on my house, so that I can use as little electricty from the power company as possible. Join the power company plan that allows you to pay extra so that a portion of your energy comes from wind power.
When will people get it into their heads that whether or not we drill in the ANWF for oil -- and destroy a beautiful, pristine and unique habitat in the process -- it's only a stopgap? Sooner or later, whether we drill there or not, we're going to run out of oil. We might as well find sustainable energy sources sooner rather than later, and save a unique place that, once destroyed, can never be restored.

Anyway...housing and classes for next semester. My schedule for next semester is all figured out, I think. I'm excited about it, and I have a good registration time, so I should get everything I want. But housing is going to be hairier. We just decided last night that rather than squating in the room we are in right now, my roommate and I are going to try for a campus apartment, and we were going to get a Junior-Senior meal plan, but then we discovered that although on the surface it looks like a good deal, when you do the math it turns out you are paying way too much for the food you are getting. So...I'm not sure what's going to happen right now. I might just not get a meal plan, and put money on my card instead, but then it will look like I'm spending less money on college expenses, so I might get less financial aid...It's all very complicated, and money is always super stressful for me, and I can't think about it right now.

Oh...and I think Mr. Kitty is going to die soon. He's stopped eating and drinking. They've done blood tests, but they can't find anything seriously wrong. His thyroid is weird, but that shouldn't make him stop eating, and his white blood cell count is up, but the vet doesn't think it's cancer or Feline Leukemia. My mom bought him expensive tuna, hoping to coax him into eating, and he wouldn't even eat that. He's gotten super skinny, and my parents have to hydrate him themselves; the vet gave them syringes and saline solution, and they have to inject him to keep him hydrated. So...I don't think he's long for the world, unfortunately. It will be weird when he's gone...besides goldfish and betas, I've never had a pet die before, and we've had Mr. Kitty since I was five. I remember picking him out when he was a tiny kitten.

ummm....time to got work out, I think. Then on to advising meeting.

green, mr.kitty, trent lott, environment, classes, housing

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